Kirkbride Solutions


  1. John's Justice: Flush With Fury
    Beat'em up game prototype made for MonoGameJam5
  2. Alexa, Roll Me a Character
    Alexa Skill for rolling a 6 stat tabletop character
  3. How To: Add Swashbuckle/Swagger to a .Net Core API
    Document your API with OpenAPI and Swagger
  4. How To: Create Simple.Net Core API with Integration Tests
    Build an API with integration tests
  5. OData V4 Api How To Filter And Select With Multiple Expands
  6. Using Gulp to Uglify or Minify JavaScript and CSS Files
    Basics on How to Minify your Javascript and CSS
  7. Apache Cordova App With Third Party Plugins
    Mobile Hybrid App using Apache Cordova with Web Browser, Calendar, and Navigation Plugins
  8. Using MS Test on the Forget the Milk Application
    Substituting MS Test for NUnit